Monday, October 27, 2008


I've been getting a lesson in circulation these days. When I lived in NYC, I walked everywhere, rode my bike a lot, and always had jobs where I was on my feet most of the day. I can't say I felt great because of it, mostly I felt exhausted, but moving to a place where I'm suddenly much more sedentary I am definitely feeling the affects.

I remember years ago, most winters, my hands and feet would always get cold, to the point of never warming up until I got into bed. But the last few years, my hands and feet have been fine in the winter, cold, but not unmanagably, unwarmably, cold. And now, once again, they are like little blocks of ice. And I blame my suburban studious sedentary lifestyle.

And the sad part is, I know that this is much more than just an inconvenience. If my blood isn't circulating very well, then my whole body is running at a much lower level than it should be. Oxygenated blood coming from my heart might not be reaching all of my organs, and the blood that is returning to the heart might not be getting there as quickly as it should. The cleaning mechanisms may be slower, or may be missing something. My lymphatic system won't be up to par either, so I could have more trouble fighting off infections, and building up my body and detoxifying.

So, those of you that know me, know I'm not much of an exerciser, but that's not even what this is about, it's about movement! So I'm starting out slow, going on the mini-trampoline for 10 or 15 min a day, and stretching on top of that. I'll probably have to do much more, but that's my first step. I'll try to update about the temperature of my feet. Ha. Snow flurries are in the forecast for tomorrow. Yikes!

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