Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Paper on the healing benefits of fats and oils!

So, as some of you know, I had to write a final paper for my correspondences courses and I chose to write it on the Healing Benefits of Fat. My disclaimer here is that I had never written a paper this long, so I chose a pretty broad topic...also, I was under a bit of mental duress during the week I finished it, so be gentle if you would like to read and critique it. I think my style is conversational enough to be readable by anyone, but I hope I touched on some ideas and research that would be new to some readers too. In many ways, I think the topic was much too broad, and I only scratched the surface in most sections, but I also hope it's a good introduction to the ways that fats can be healing in the diet. The link below will get you to a viewer that you can read from if you'd like, or you can download the entire thing. Be forewarned, it is 59 pages total (including footnotes and bibliography). I'm actually thinking of making it into a podcast because I think that a lot of my run-on sentences make more sense when said out loud. Ha. So if interested just click here. I'll be holding my breath as those book deals pour in :)

1 comment:

Reem said...

oh, mori! i'm so excited you posted your thesis online!! i really plan on reading it. give me a few weeks; i'm definitely interested.
have you read, "Good Calories, Bad Calories"? you probably have, knowing amazing you. ;)
it's really interesting. pretty technical, but mind blowing in that he states that it's carbohydrate that raises cholesterol and body weight moreso than our old adage of "fat".
i laugh b/c i eat a diet high in fat...heathy, natural ones i guess you could say, but high in it, nonetheless. my HDL is through the roof (my family doc is always like, "how do you get it so high?!") and my LDL/triglycerides are nice and low.
oy, our culture is so darn weird about FAT!
(i'll let you know when i get onto reading it...sooooo excited, genius girl!!)
miss you lots and lots. still wishing we lived nice and close. :(