Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, as some of you know, I finished my course in Iridology. Which is the study of the iris to reveal the health of the body. Of course, I just read the book, so I don't have a lot of actual experience, but I appreciate those of you who have guinea pigged your eyes for me to study!

Above is a picture of my left eye. According to Iridology, a healthy person's eye will be all one color, usually blue or brown, have tightly woven fibers, and not a lot of spots, yellowing, or "lesions" (those oval shaped "holes"!). As you can see, I have some work to do. The interesting part is that Dr. Jensen talks a lot about toxicity, and how it can settle into our weakest parts. In my eye, you can see that I have two ovals, between 2 and 3 o'clock, which correspond to my neck and shoulder (on the left side, because it's the left eye).

Since I left New York, about 2 months ago, I hadn't really had any alcohol to drink, until Halloween. I didn't have very much, a little whiskey (my usual) and some wine. I felt it a little bit, but I didn't feel an especially low tolerance at the time. Then, the next day, I woke up with a headache, and for the next few days I had a sort of underlying headache and a large rope-like knot going from my neck down into my shoulder on the left side. Right where those ovals indicating a weakness are in my left eye. Maybe it's a coincidence, but suddenly it felt like some things were coming together.

The funny thing about healing is that it seems to come in stages. You can't detox and rebuild before your body is strong enough to handle it, and if you're in the middle of one of those stages, I suppose the worst thing you could do is purposely give your body extra poison/toxins (alcohol) to neutralize and get rid of. So, no more alcohol for me until I've had some serious detoxing and rebuilding happening. Which, besides feeling, I will hopefully see in my eyes. To that end I've been thinking about the other things I have done differently since the move.

Things that have changed since I left NYC:

I get more rest. (This was one of the main things I was missing, and the first thing that seemed to go in nyc. Although, I can't totally blame the city, I think I've had this underlying "fatigue" thing happening since I was a teenager.)

I have less physical stress(though I enjoyed parts of it a lot, the physical stress of my previous job constantly wore me down to nearly nothing.), and virtually no work stress.

I drink no alcohol.

I have almost no refined sugar or flour.

I take vitamins A, B-complex, C and E everyday, and a vegetarian supplement which includes extra fiber and enzymes to help with the detox process (because if your body is using the regular avenues of elimination: liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, it's less likely to resort to using your skin. Although I'm still getting some chin pimples. Chimples?)

I have at least a heaping teaspoon of coconut oil each day. (It's supposed to have many amazing properties, including boosting metabolism and your immune system)

I drink supergreens most days.

I wouldn't say I'm "energetic", but I think I have more energy. (When I first got here, afternoon naps always sounded like an excellent idea, now, not so much. Small victories!)
I get to think about, study and research things that interest me all day.

I move less, which has affected my circulation (poorly!).

I still have emotional stress from my new environment/slightly vague plan for the future...

I eat more meat(mainly turkey) on salads and sandwiches.

In the near future I'm probably going to start on some herbal remedies, and/or homeopathics. I feel okay most of the time, but my body is very sensitive to too many things, and I get run down much too quickly. And sometimes I feel like death when I wake up in the morning, although I think that's happening less. Bottom line is, I don't feel like I can help others until I have helped myself. And I think my eyes are supposed to be a nice, tightly woven blue.


Reem said...

hey girl! i liked this a lot; i've only read a bit about this, and of course what you've told me in the past. i need to write you a real email! AND i noticed that you like the 'nourishing gourmet' site, too! wow, awesome! of doesn't surprise me that we both found and liked that gal's awesome site, haha. much love and peace and talk soon, emmabird

Unknown said...

nice eye you've got! What does an "eye freckle" mean? and what about someone who has half a blue eye, half a brown one? (like, divided in half from, say, the one o'clock position to the seven o'clock position?

Moirin said...

hmm, i think according to this, an eye freckle could mean some build up of toxicity, like chemicals, or prescription drugs. the placement of the freckle would tell you where in the body, or in which organ, you would find the toxicity. i would imagine the brown/blue eye would be a genetic thing, but if it appeared later in life, it could mean a sludginess (technical term, ha) developing in the body. the left eye corresponds to the left side and the right to the right side, so half of the left eye would only be corresponding to part of the left side of the body. i might be taking some further hands-on instruction this summer, so check back then:)